Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Burning House

If your house was burning, what would you take with you?

Hannah Queen, photographer

Thanks to Google Reader, I just found an interesting new blog called The Burning House. It asks readers to photograph and share their most cherished items -- the armful of stuff they would grab in the few spare minutes they had if their house was burning. It's so interesting to see what people would pick... a mix of sentimental and practical items. Not to mention some of the photographs are beautifully styled.

Kate McAuley, writer

After clicking through the posts, I noticed that animals make quite a few appearances. So do Apple products, photographs and/or cameras, and journals. Which is all to be expected. What I think is most interesting are the unique items that pop up in the images... a necklace, a spoon, a piece of wood. Family heirlooms, gifts from loved ones, childhood treasures. Those are the items that really tell a story.

Tim Robinson, creative director

Laura Pritchett, artist 

The items, composition, and explanations all seem to form a sort of a self portrait, which I love. Since Memorial Day brings an extended weekend in a few days, I think I'm going to round up some of my most cherished possessions and take a photo for submission. You should too -- what would be in your photo?


lizzie said...

I love The Burning House - Thank heaven for Google Reader and its suggestions.

Katherine Ross said...

Amen! I only just started using Reader about a month ago. I honestly don't know why I waited so long... it helps me stay so organized!

Kate said...

This is awesome- I want to do something like this, although I have no idea what I'd save yet... Hmm...