Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Goodbye, Google Reader

I realize that this little post is coming a little late, but I can't believe Google Reader is discontinuing its services this summer! Whaaaaa!

I've been using Reader for maybe three years now and I honestly don't know how I ever read blogs beforehand. Okay, I remember: I kept all my favorite blogs in the bookmarks section of Safari and would periodically click through them. I didn't know it at the time, but it was such a pain. I didn't stay up to date on my favorite blogs, there wasn't any way to mark posts I really liked, I couldn't save posts to read later... chaos. Then Google Reader came into my life and made sense of it all.

So I'm curious for all the other Reader users out there, have you switched over to another RSS reader? Feedly, Bloglovin? Part of me wants to wait on making the switch in hopes that Google will say "Just kidding guys!" (I even signed a petition) but chances are Google will stick to their guns, and I'll forget to make the switch and end up losing all the blogs I have saved. So I'm researching new reader options. Any recommendations?


Callie said...

I use Bloglovin and I like it. I've never tried Feedly but I've heard good things about it.

Ronnie said...

I have been using Bloglovin as well. It has quite a nice and simple interface, which I like.
Ronnie xo

Katherine Ross said...

Looks like I'll be giving Bloglovin a try! Thanks, Callie and Ronnie! :)