Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why I Blog

Friends, I've been reflecting a lot lately about this little old blog of mine. I'm in the process of redesigning and sprucing it up a bit, which has led me to thinking about the content I share, the words I write, and why I even blog at all.

I originally started gathered heart "as my own online collection of art, design, vintage findings, crafting and DIY, personal musings, beautiful things and inspiring bits." For the most part, I think I've accomplished just that and I love it. GH has become a place where all the little pieces of my heart are gathered into one giant collection. Not only does it serve as a personal account of my life, but it also serves as a log of inspiration that I can access anytime. I hope others are inspired when they visit, too. I think writing GH has also pushed me to live a more creative life at home, in the kitchen, with friends, at work. I've made new friends, strengthen the friendships I already have and have connected with people hundreds of miles away. The blogging community is pretty amazing.

The one thing I get caught up on is the fact that, sometimes, I feel like the things I post on gathered heart are a little superficial. A beautiful illustration, a tasty looking treat, a pretty dress. It can be so easy to get caught up in an "I want this, I want that" mentality when I share things here. My posting lately has been somewhat sparse because I feel guilty writing about a lovely sweater I want or a yummy dessert that I baked... when there are people in the world who can't afford medicine, food, or even a place to live.

But then I step back and remember that beauty is an essential part of life. I don't write about my personal faith here very often, but it is one of the greatest influences in everything I do. There is one particular verse from the Bible that I have always held close to my heart. "...Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" (Philippians 4:8.)

We are called to focus on the pure and lovely things of life, to live joyfully and share that with others. I realize there are seasons in life and there is so much darkness and pain in this world of ours, but why focus on it? What good comes out of doom and gloom? Nothing but more doom and gloom.

I want to live a beautiful life. I want my home to burst with flowers (hypothetically speaking, of course) and I hope to never take any of it for granted. Will you join me?


Kate said...

Your words are so beautiful, and the Katie Daisy print perfectly suits this post. Of course I'll be here for the ride! I think about the same things sometimes, that by being overly positive or sharing happy things might seem too "look at my wonderful life" or something, but honestly this is just to share these moments I'm living that are pure, that are joyful, and have them just be what they are or even hoping they spread joy to others. Nothing good comes from doom and gloom. Spread your happy!! :D

Sharon Telschow said...

Amen Sista! You put into words exactly what has been churning in my brain for the last few weeks. Thank you so much for writing this post and including that verse. I am going to write that one down in my sketch book so that I remember it when I feel down and dull. Just look on teh sunny side and remember the things I do have control over and sharing beautiful things with the world is one of them. So thank you for doing that here! Keep it up.

Carrie said...

Blogging is a funny thing isn't it? It's easy for me to get caught up in all the beautiful things and treats and sweaters that I see. Pinterest can definitely fuel the 'I want this and that' mentality. As a designer or someone in the creative industry, our nature is to want to make things beautiful so I think we have to be especially careful to find our balance. It seems to me that you are doing a pretty great job of doing just that.

Abbyblujay said...

oh hey girl a few things:

- i love you. lots n lots
- this post was great and totally true. for myself i feel like i need to post interesting awesome things people want to read. sometimes i just want to post that i'm having a good day.. .and that's totally enough!
- oddly blogs can be a reflection of your life so if it's good... why wouldn't you want to share that?

Abbyblujay said...

oh hey girl a few things:

- i love you. lots n lots
- this post was great and totally true. for myself i feel like i need to post interesting awesome things people want to read. sometimes i just want to post that i'm having a good day.. .and that's totally enough!
- oddly blogs can be a reflection of your life so if it's good... why wouldn't you want to share that?

Katherine Ross said...

@Kate -- you're so right! I think sometimes blogs are criticized for being happy la la land, which is sometimes true... but I'd like to think that we keep it real, and spread the happy!

@Sharon -- I have that verse in my sketchbook, too. There are definitely days where I have to remind myself to focus my thoughts on positive things, and reading over that helps!

@Carrie -- Oh Pinterest. So wonderful, so awful :) You know, I think we're pretty lucky to be designers... to take a pile of text and turn it into something eye-catching and beautiful. Seriously, lucky us.

Katherine Ross said...

@Abby -- Totes! Whenever I read about your adventures, I'm almost always grinning, just because. They make me happy.

And YES. Join the beautiful side and we will do great things. (that said... you're already on the beautiful side, haha, so let's just continue to be awesome.)

Ronnie said...

Hi Katherine,
What a touching post, thanks for sharing so honestly. I'm always encouraged to meet another Christian in the blogosphere!
Ronnie xo